Talia Denis Band

Talia Denis Band

Left to right:  me, Talia Denis, KG* Noble, and Mark Feldman I would like to introduce you to the new Talia Denis Band! Talia is a singer-songwriter pianist who is creating quite a buzz. Her combined You Tube plays have over half-million views and she’s only thirteen...
Bass on a new Mancie track

Bass on a new Mancie track

This month I was fortunate enough to go into the studio and play bass on a new Mancie track. We recorded at Degraw Sound in Brooklyn with Ben Rice as the engineer, and Mancie friend Aaron Shadwell produced the track. Here’s a picture of me with my Gibson SG bass and...
Bees Knees!

Bees Knees!

The craziest thing happened this week!  I was walking in my neighborhood doing my daily routine; yoga, cappuccino with Sal, and as I turned the corner to kiss hello to Toli and Antonio I saw what is in the photo above. That’s so weird, right?  I’ve never...

You Drive the Men Wild!

That’s what someone wrote in the subject of a private email I received.  Why do I receive private emails?  Because I have a private email address.  What was that private email about?  I’ll tell you what it’s about because I’m not so private....

Baited Breath I’m Sure!

For Blog Post Numero Due! That’s right kids – Miss Bethie Beth requested another Bomb Blog. Holla! Last night was the final night of the San Genero Festival in my neighborhood, Little Italy. I felt like I haven’t really been in touch with my Italian...